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敬老の日 大切な人と過ごす時間

Respect for the Aged Day - Spending time with loved ones

September 16th is Respect for the Aged Day.
This national holiday is held every third Monday in September as a day to respect the elderly, express gratitude for their daily lives, and pray for further health and longevity.

How are you all spending your time?

Expressing gratitude through gifts

Choosing a gift is also a wonderful time to think about the person you are giving it to.
A heartfelt note of gratitude or a handmade item also makes a great gift.
For example, "an album of memorable photos" or "handwritten letters."
They will be especially pleased if you give them something that has been given with feeling.

The value of time together

While things and words are important, meeting face to face and spending time together is also a heartwarming experience.
For example, you could reminisce over tea, go for a walk, or enjoy a hobby together.

By taking the time to talk and reminisce about past memories, it seems like it could be an opportunity for us to make new discoveries and learn hints for how to live a better life .

Connecting Hearts Through Food

Spending time together eating is also an irreplaceable experience.
You can cook a home-cooked meal or go out to your favorite restaurant.
Also, sharing a meal naturally leads to conversation and is likely to become a cherished memory for both of you.

Thinking about health

By listening again to your concerns and worries in daily life, we can also provide support for your health.
This could also be an opportunity to think together about how to live healthier and more secure lives.


Give gifts, give photos and albums, go out to eat together, and spend time together.
You can celebrate this day in many different ways.
This year's Respect for the Aged Day, why not spend some relaxing time with your loved ones and make it a day to express your gratitude?

I hope this will be a special day for you all.
Thank you for reading to the end.

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