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[I tried it] Feeling my roots and loving Kashiwa Udon while wearing a yukata

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Enjoying Yukata

This year, it seems to be a disaster-level heat wave, but how is everyone doing? One thing I look forward to every summer is wearing a yukata.
I fell in love with yukata at first sight when I was a teenager and have been wearing it ever since. In the evening, I put on a yukata and comfortable sandals and go to a cafe with friends to have tea or eat dinner.

Enjoying Yukata

In fact, when I planned this column, I started out with the idea of ​​"Let's try wearing a yukata for a week and see how it changes our state of mind!" But it was so hot that I couldn't stay in a yukata, so I decided to enjoy wearing one in the evening.

The obi is made of Hakata weaving

Embrace your roots

The obi is made of "Hakata-ori" fabric. I'm from Fukuoka, so when I found a Hakata-ori obi in a vintage clothing store, I couldn't help but pick it up.
Traditional Japanese clothing, such as yukata and kimono, is not often worn on a daily basis in modern society. That's why I think it's important to consciously incorporate things that are related to one's roots.
I am aware that if we stop doing it, it will end with my generation. This is true not only for kimono but also for food. It is important to cook and eat local ingredients and regional cuisine at home, and it also leads to food education.

The Maeda family also offers local flavors

Chicken udon

Did you know that Maeda-ya is a company in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, and that they offer many Fukuoka specialties and soul foods?
I especially recommend the "Kashiwa Udon." This "Kashiwa Udon" is a common dish that you can find on train platforms, but it's sweet, mild, and delicious. I really like it.
This is a dish that I would like everyone to try.


